£197.00 GBP

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Blend MasterClass 1: Practical Approaches For Plantar Fasciitis

You are purchasing ONE masterclass
Practical Approaches For Plantar Fasciitis
This is what I wish I had starting out, and is the one thing most requested over the last 20 years off
teaching advanced bodywork:
People would ask: Tracey, I would love to be a fly on the wall in your clinic and see how you would treat this:

So thats exactly what I am doing

I will be showing you my process for working with a number of different common pain conditions and pathologies
Part of a series of 6 masterclasses in blending a number of myofascial approaches within one treatment.
Along with latest pain science and research to bring understanding and relief from a number of chronic pain conditions
Bringing together a range of fascial techniques for those who wish to specialise in this field.
Learn: Why medical approaches to chronic pain don’t work.
How chronic pain develops and why.
How fascia is affected by injury and pain.
How to blend indirect and direct fascial techniques for optimum results.
What techniques to use and when for specific pain conditions.
How to help your clients to help themselves with simple yet effective self-care advice and exercises.
The Practical Pathologies Masterclass Series are 6 x 3 day trainings and each one is £197 when purchased individually 

The three days including
Day 1 10am Theory: Theory presentation live in group
Day 2 10 am Practical techniques: Recordings of the main techniques for you to learn
Day 3 3pm Live practical classroom and demonstrations and discussion, where you can bring a model and work alongside Tracey live for advice and input. 

How it works: Online blended learning program 

We begin 20/21st October with recorded Theory and Practical sessions to view in the group PLUS LIVE on zoom practical day 28th October 3pm

Day 3 Tracey will have a couch set up just as in a normal classroom with a model, and you can also have your couch set up if you wish to run through any techniques you need support with and Tracey will supervise you LIVE

2022©Tracey Kiernan All Rights Reserved


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