Help people out of pain in 6 treatments or less and build your dream practice fast!
This course is or you, If you would like to learn how to work with clients with this debilitating condition, get more clients and be seen as an expert in your field
The World Health Organisation states that
1 in 4 people suffer TMJ Syndrome
There has never been a better time to train in TMJ Therapy®
TMJD is an epidemic with traditional treatments providing little or no relief
This Online Blended Learning Course has been created with over 40 years experience on working with TMJD and gets results within 3-6 treatments
Start Training In TMJ Therapy® TODAY for as little as £165
Study a blend of massage and fascial techniques including intra oral massage, trigger point work cranial work, fascial unwinding and postural assessment to bring your clients relief from this debilitating condition in 1-6 treatments
The Post Graduate Diploma in TMJ Therapy® is for you if:
- You are a qualified massage therapist, physiotherapists, chiropractors, osteopaths, in fact anyone who works in the field of physical therapy and has a minimum level 3 qualification in bodywork will benefit from adding these skills to their practice.
- You want to increase your skill level
- You want to attract a whole new client base
- You want to make an IMPACT in peoples lives and help more people
- You want to increase your practice profitability
- You want a deeper understanding of the integration and alignment of the whole body
- You want to be the go to expert for TMJD
No prior massage therapy experience but wanting to train in TMJ Therapy®?
Read on!

Anyone can now train to become a TMJ Therapist
We also offer a fully accredited level 3 qualification for newcomers to the field of bodywork, who have no prior qualifications and who would like to work in this field
Click the button below to get details of the fully accredited level 3 qualifying course open to all including dental professionals, dental surgeons hygienists, orthodontists and dental nurses
And the good news?
you don't have to do it alone!
TMJ Therapy® Advanced Diploma

This versatile blended learning course combines fully online modules with optional additional days in class practical training that will build your business and change your practice forever.
You will learn how to perform a full palpation, consultation and moving postural ssessment for TMJ Syndrome
How to help clients with symptoms such as facial pain, migraines, jaw pain, tinnitus, pelvic pain, and more
Learn how to work with the Intra Oral tissues safely and effectively
Understand how the fascial connections from the TMJ affect the whole body
Discover the connections between TMJ and a host of other conditions including Fibromyalgia, Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, Menopause, Pregnancy, Brain Health, Sports Performance Sleep disorders and even Long Covid?
What's waiting for you inside

Self-Paced Video Training
Detailed clear demonstration videos of over 60 techniques for you to watch over and over again at a time to suit you.

Downloadable manuals and resources for you to keep
Beautiful manuals fully illustrated with detailed descriptions, and images of each technique

Amazing Community
A dedicated private Facebook study group with hundreds of therapist just like you. Every month you will receive live face to face training over zoom with Tracey
Click video to hear how training in TMJ Therapy® changed Jo's practice,and improved both her and her clients lives

What you will learn

Theory: Cranial nerves Cranial and facial anatomy Theory of cranio-sacral therapy, assessing the CSR. Jaw and bite relationships and classification Dental terminology Biotensegrity and theTMJ/hyoid/Pelvis connection/the deep front line Health and safety cross infection control, contra-indications to treatment

Practical: Advanced techniques for: masseter, temporalis, medial pterygoid, lateral pterygoid, digastric, hyoids, floor of mouth work Balance cranial and facial bones including sphenoid, maxilla, mandible, Intra oral scar treatment, unwinding teeth Fascial diaphragms Pelvic assessment rebalancing the Pelvis

Theory: Biotensegrity Full body approach Postural assessment
Balancing the pelvis SI joint assessment Working the feet
The TMJ/pelvis connection Refine knowledge and techniques Consolidate information and learning.

Practical:Full body massage protocol including massage and myofascial bodywork for: Gluteus maximus, minimus,medius Tensor fascia lataeIliotibial band Psoas Piriformis Quadriceps Hamstrings Transverse fascial planes Opening the feet Exercises and stretches for the lower body

Bonus resources:
TMJ Intake form, all required paperwork for treatments, recommended reading list, exclusive articles, research and so much more

Live In Person Masterclass
Join us for a one day hands on training day with the TMJ Team of tutors in Wigan. One day is included in your enrolment and you have the option to purchase and add as many more as you wish on request
Student Case Studies
Click below to watch examples of real life case studies and client transformations from our therapists:

Program Investment
But that's not all!
Let's Talk Bonuses
Move your business forward quicker with these incredible bonuses
Fast Track Your Success
Program Investment
Hey, I'm Tracey
Blend Therapy and Training CEO, Mum, Wife, Dental Professional passionate about massage and fascial bodywork and especially TMJ!
In 1980 I began working with patients with TMJD as a dental professional. In 2000 having retrained as a clinical massage therapist I created my TMJ protocol in clinical practice and in 2004 the first TMJ course which has been taught to hundreds of therapists across the UK, Europe, USA and Australia who are all achieving astounding results with this difficult problem. Almost 20 years later my training is now a fully accredited qualification. This versatile blended learning course combines fully online modules with monthly zoom calls and optional live additional days in class practical training that will build your business and change your practice forever.